Sensor Management

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Most system management operations can be performed on the sensors through the browser. These functions are accessed though the Sensors drop-down menu item shown in <xr id="fig:sens_dropd"/>.

Add Sensors

To create a new sensor for your account, click "Add" on the Sensors menu, shown in <xr id="fig:sens_dropd"/>, and follow the instructions in Adding a Sensor (Advanced).
<figure id="fig:sens_dropd">

Sensor Drop Down Menu
Sensor Drop Down Menu


View Sensors

To view all sensors to which you have access, select "View" on the Sensors menu. This will show the list of sensors that were previously configured and provides means to modify any of the configuration options for each sensor. If you have access to more than one domain, the sensor lists will be grouped by domain. Selecting each domain will allow editing the sensors for that domain. Please refer to Adding a Sensor (Advanced) for details of the sensor configuration. <figure id="fig:sens_view">

Sensors View Page
Sensors View Page

</figure> After saving the changes, it is necessary to restart the sensor for the changes to take effect. You can restart a sensor through one of the following means:

  • By approving a sensor reload when prompted (needs a green light),
  • By clicking on the reload icon on the sensor list in the view sensor page (needs a green light),
  • Through the Rules Management page (needs a green light),
  • Selecting start/restart sensor from the console menu on the sensor itself, and
  • Entering "/nsm/etc/ restart" from the root prompt of sensor.

Share Sensors

To share your sensors with another user's account or and jointly manage and monitor sensor events, click "Share" on the Sensors menu. This will take you to the "Share Sensors" page shown in <xr id="fig:share_sens"/>. <figure id="fig:share_sens">

Share Sensors Page
Share Sensors Page


Users can be added in administrator or user roles to existing sensors. Administrators can change sensor configurations while users cannot. Note that users can only be added if they are already registered in the MetaFlows system.

To request access to another user’s sensor(s), enter their email address in the "Request Sensors" field and select Request Sensors. The recipient of the request will receive an email instructing them on how to accept or reject the request.

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